Already got into TiShadow?

Here is a Sublime Text build system, that lets you trigger your app updates with a keyboard shortcut (Cmd+B on Mac):

  • Open Sublime Text and go to Tools —> Build System —> New Build System…
  • Copy & paste the below code
  "cmd": ["tishadow run --update"],
  "working_dir": "$folder",
  "shell": true,
  "variants": [
      "name": "first run",
      "cmd": "tishadow run"
  • Save this file to your Sublime Text user folder. I named it TiShadow.sublime-build.
  • Now open up an Appcelerator mobile app project folder in Sublime Text
  • Select your newly created build system (Tools —> Build System —> YOUR_BUILD_SYSTEM_NAME)
  • Hit Cmd+B to run the TiShadow update. (You can also open the Command Palette and enter “first run” to trigger an initial update)